KHER LEGAL ad­vis­es on all as­pects of do­mes­tic laws ap­pli­ca­ble in cross bor­der ne­go­ti­at­ed and con­test­ed M&A, joint ven­tures and strate­g­ic al­liances, and takeover bids.

Our team of at­tor­neys is ef­fec­tive­ly or­ganized to deal with the com­plex­i­ty of tran­s­ac­tions in this prac­tice area as well as co­or­d­i­nate clients’ needs and ac­tiv­i­ties of other pro­fes­sio­n­al ad­vi­sors. The team as­sists in the struc­tur­ing of tran­s­ac­tions, com­plet­ing due dili­gence ac­tiv­i­ty, pre­par­ing all doc­u­men­ta­tion, sat­is­fy­ing cor­po­rate, reg­u­la­to­ry and tax re­quire­ments, im­ple­ment­ing tran­s­ac­tions and all ac­tiv­i­ties lead­ing to the clos­ing.

The Firm’s M&A is ful­ly in­te­grat­ed with other prac­tice ar­eas. Giv­en the as­pects of public law, the im­pli­ca­tions of fi­nan­cial struc­tures adopt­ed and the ef­fect on em­ploy­ment of cor­po­rate re­struc­tur­ing, the suc­cess­ful cor­po­rate and fi­nan­cial struc­tur­ing de­pends on tax ef­fi­cient and in­no­va­tive cor­po­rate so­lu­tions as well as fi­nan­cial anal­y­sis.