Employment and Insurance

KHER LEGAL as­sists do­mes­tic em­ploy­ers and em­ploy­ees, as well as for­eign com­pa­nies in preventing and if necessary re­solving dis­putes that arise from la­bor and em­ploy­ment ar­range­ments. We of­fer the most cost-ef­fec­tive and time­ly liti­ga­tion and dis­pute re­s­o­lu­tion ser­vice in em­ploy­ment law in­clud­ing ne­go­ti­at­ing col­lec­tive settle­ments be­tween large cor­po­ra­tions, the regulatory authorities and social security funds, syn­di­cates and em­ploy­ees. We guide ma­n­age­ment teams in pre­venting fu­ture con­flicts and protecting the company with non-com­pe­ti­tion claus­es, in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty pro­tec­tion, and sev­er­ance com­pen­sa­tion as well as in-house poli­cies that en­sure the pro­tec­tion of trade se­crets and con­fi­den­tial busi­ness in­for­ma­tion when draft­ing em­ploy­ment agree­ments. We can also help companies with ob­taining work­ing visas and resi­dence permits for their foreign workers. When your company doesn’t need a full employee, we can make sure that you are protected from liability when using independent contractors or executing service level agreements with other companies to outsource certain processes. We understand that you are looking for the best way to run your business, and we can help you do it.

KHER LEGAL rep­re­sents in­su­r­ance and rein­su­r­ance com­pa­nies, in­su­r­ance pools and in­su­r­ance bro­k­ers in­volved in ar­eas such as per­so­n­al ac­ci­dents, life, med­i­cal, mo­tor, car­go, prop­er­ty and trav­el in­su­r­ance. We are com­mitt­ed to the com­pliance of our clients with the reg­u­la­to­ry de­mands of the in­dus­try. Our at­tor­neys have a high­ly proven re­cord in liti­gat­ing cas­es for our clients whether they are in­su­r­ance com­pa­nies or in­di­vi­d­u­al clients and busi­ness­es with claims against in­su­r­ance com­pa­nies. We pro­vide ad­vice on in­su­r­ance and rein­su­r­ance con­tracts as well as poli­cies and reg­u­la­to­ry re­quire­ments. We as­sist in­su­r­ance com­pa­nies in iden­ti­fy­ing claims and prac­tices that could lead to pos­si­ble liti­ga­tion and im­ple­ment­ing pro­ce­dures that will pre­vent fu­ture claims. We ad­vise com­pa­nies and bro­k­ers on the best poli­cies and we of­fer our knowl­edge in the sec­tor to help shap­ing de­vel­op­ments in the law, by the en­act­ment of more sus­tain­able poli­cies. Our spe­cif­ic ex­per­tise is reg­u­lar­ly sought for by in­su­r­ance com­pa­nies and op­er­a­tors in the field to deal with the com­plex­i­ties that are pe­cu­liar to the in­su­r­ance laws and regulations.